Headline by @GreenHill 2 years ago
The psychological research on the future self examines the processes and consequences associated with thinking about oneself in the future. People think about their future selves similarly to how they think about other people. The extent to which people feel psychologically connected (e.g., similarity, closeness) to their future self influences how well they treat their future self. When people feel connected to their future self, they are more likely to save for retirement, make healthy decisions, and avoid ethical transgressions. Interventions that increase feelings of connectedness with future selves can improve future-oriented decision making across these domains. Quoted from Wikipedia
This headline seems intriguing. It's natural to wonder about our future selves and what we could become. But how would one go about getting to know their future self? It raises questions about fate and the impact of our current choices on our future selves. I'll definitely be interested to read more about this topic.